Welcome To The Evolution Of EMDR

Live Free From Anxiety In Just 4 Easy Steps

So What is EMDR?

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing is a trauma-focused psychological treatment for sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress (a build up in life of stressful, sad or traumatic events) or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and associated 'Anxiety Disorders'. For some sufferers of anxiety or PTSD it may be difficult at first and often very emotional and overwhelming to disclose or discuss details of traumatic events.

EMDR does not require any such disclosure, it’s not a talking therapy or counselling, and with the specialist technique multiple traumas can be worked on in a single session. Where multiple traumas or memories are presented more than 1 session may be required, and a ‘top up’ here and there in the future if required. Memories of traumatic experiences can be stored differently from other memories. Human beings possess a psychologically based information-processing system (according to the founder of EMDR – Shapiro in 1999) that under normal circumstances will naturally respond by resolving everyday minor disturbances. However when a traumatic event happens this system can become in balanced causing the information to be locked in the brain in the format of the input i.e. a trauma not a memory, and thus it remains in a form of neurological stasis and prevents the trauma from ever being resolved with any of the traditional therapies. If you have repressed memories of trauma then EMDR allows the information in stasis to be unlocked and reprocessed safely into a standard non-traumatic memory. EMDR then relaxes the mind and allows you to experience the events safely in order to evaluate the immediate effectiveness of the EASY EMDR treatment.

This system has now been simplified into just 4 easy steps - FIND, FEEL, FOLLOW, FORGET - that's all it takes. The clinically tested simple Memory Mapping therapy contained in these books (which is up to 80% faster than existing methods) will firstly FIND all the traumas to work on with the EASY EMDR in just minutes!

When you focus on one of the memories you will then FEEL the anxiety in the body, that’s the second easy step. You then FOLLOW the ‘home therapists’ (parent, partner, family member or friends) fingers with your eyes – and the old feeling you felt before reduces to nothing, and then you’ll take the fourth easy step to FORGET the physical and emotional effects the traumatic memory once had – and that’s it – Simple & Easy! You then move onto the next memory and repeat the EASY EMDR 4 step process until ALL the memories you’ve mapped out have been fully resolved. It’s at that stage the anxiety, distractions, addictions, physical conditions just fade away there and then in the same session as you move from feeling Post Traumatic Stress to Post Traumatic GROWTH! This is the incredible place where you regain control of your life once more.


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An Introduction from the Author

The Easy EMDR series of Books – The World’s first treatment for trauma and anxiety now available for home use

The EASY EMDR book series recommended for home use for Everyone Everywhere

EASY EMDR can be used by anyone else who needs to know how to carry out First Aid for the Mind, whether they are guardians, therapists, clinicians, teachers, care workers, community-based workers, NGO’s, overseas doctors, armed forces & emergency service personnel or just family or friends. It is simple, clinically tested, easy-to-follow, easy-to-practice at home or in the community, illustrated with easy-to-follow guides in how to carry out EMDR treatment effectively - giving you back affordable control of your families mental health at home!

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