Rapid Anxiety Treatment EMDR for Children & Adults

Clinically approved Specialist Anxiety Treatment available from anywhere in the UK or Internationally Face to Face in Clinics or Virtually Online

In just 4 easy steps – as recommended by the World Health Organisation and all other clinical bodies

Adrian Radford-Shute DHP Acc. Hyp

Cobham | Hitchin | Reading I Wadebridge I UK & International

An Introduction

At 1 MIND we are sector specialists in treating PTSD, trauma, adult survivors of child abuse, rape victims and stress, anxiety and associated conditions, pain relief, fears, phobias and weight management. We provide over 600 professional clinically focused services for private clients and corporate employees in all aspects of Hypnotherapy & EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing). We are supported by GP's and Consultant Psychiatrists and addiction specialists to safeguard our clients wellbeing at all times. We are fully insured and registered with the PHPA. We provide a FREE no obligation telephone consultation to discuss how we may be able to help you.

Adrian Radford-Shute DHP Acc. Hyp

Adrian Radford-Shute - AS SEEN ON TV

EMDR is recommended by NICE (the National Institute of Health Care & Excellence), The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Association “for trauma-focused psychological treatment of PTSD & Anxiety Related Disorders”.
www.nice.org.uk    www.who.int    www.psychiatry.org

“Hypnotherapy is widely promoted as a therapy for various long-term conditions and for breaking certain habits”.

Adrian Radford-Shute JP DHP Acc. Hyp

EMDR is recommended by NICE (the National Institute of Health Care & Excellence), The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Association “for trauma-focused psychological treatment of PTSD & Anxiety Related Disorders”.
www.nice.org.uk    www.who.int    www.psychiatry.org

“Hypnotherapy is widely promoted as a therapy for various long-term conditions and for breaking certain habits”.

Our Services

Clinical Hypnotherapy




Home Use

Advanced EMDR permanently resolves Anxiety & Trauma

With access to EMDR & a very comprehensive and wide range of hypnotherapy methods, I successfully help people with chronic trauma, negative behaviours, phobias, fears, addictions and a wide variety of other symptoms & conditions by employing a variety of specialist techniques all dependant on the unique circumstances of each person, as we are all individual, as is our past that may be the route cause of any underlying conditions or repressed memories that are manifesting in your lives today as unmanageable conditions. Please be assured you are in complete control of yourself at all times during the therapy. EMDR & Hypnosis do not put you to sleep - quite the opposite, it activates your subconscious mind into a natural state of alertness but with a feeling of being very relaxed, you are always aware of what is happening safely around you.


EMDR is recognised as the ‘go to’ treatment for anxiety caused by stress by the WHO, NICE and all other leading clinical bodies, it is not a therapy, therapy only works for some people, it is a highly specialist treatment that has a widely published 97% effectiveness rate and has been recognised by the National Institute for Mental Health as being far more effective in tests than even drug therapy.

NICE Recommended

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is fully recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and is one of the 14 most commonly used therapies, also acknowledged by the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, evidenced as an increasingly important area of health care accessed in the UK by 1 in 3 with referrals by GP’s now common place in medicine.

NHS Recommended

Advanced EMDR

The combination of EMDR with Clinical Hypnotherapy results in rapid and immediate change while in the same session. NICE guidelines recommend 6-12 sessions however we have pioneered a system that safely and effectively reduces session times to just 2-4 in 98% of cases whilst still using the recommended EMDR 8 stage protocol.

Over 98% Effective

You will achieve the greatest benefits in potentially just one session, in the comfort and safety of the professional office based therapy suite or via our new WEB EMDR Service. Further advanced methods such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) are available for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and many other mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, fears and phobias, bereavement, loss, self esteem issues and weight to name but a few. EMDR is often far more effective than years of psychotherapy as recommended by the World Health Organisation, NHS, NICE, and the APA and government defence organisations for veterans.

EMDR is by far one of the one most incredible treatments available today and is fast becoming the go to clinical treatment of choice to resolve mental health issues PERMANENTLY, fully, quickly, easily and safely. I’ve attached a guide right here so you can learn how EMDR could help you.

Advanced EMDR

Key Features

Quick & Easy

2-3 Sessions (avg)

Instant Relief

Clinically Approved

The Process

Easy 4 Step Process
Step 1

the target memory

Step 2

the active emotion

Step 3

the BLS* stimulation

Step 4

the emotions Trauma

*BLS = Bi Lateral Stimulation - the side to side movements that when followed activate trauma processing within the brain (the videos below explain more)

Explained &
Simplified in
Just 3 minutes

EMDR treats
Anxiety & PTSD
In just 3 minutes

Why Choose Advanced EMDR

EMDR has traditionally taken 12-18 sessions to resolve trauma, with 4-6 sessions for history taking alone. With older models standard therapists will only treat 1-2 memories of trauma, where as with new advanced models we can now treat 10-15 memories per session. The advancements in technology and provision now also mean we can treat clients from anywhere in the world with virtual EMDR, which Adrian Radford-Shute was the first to pioneer in 2019 way before the Covid pandemic, as well as still providing in person face to face clinics in the UK. Here are just some of the very important comparisons that demonstrate just how effective and easy Advanced EMDR has become:

EMDR Service Comparison

EMDRNo of SessionsHistory Taking% Treated in 1 VisitCourse DurationTalking RequiredNo of Memories treated in 1 sessionCost per HourOverall Cost per courseFace to FaceVirtual / International
Standard12-18 Sessions 4-6 Hours0%3-5 MonthsYes Verbal1 -2 memories£90£1080 - £1620YesNo
Advanced2-3 Sessions45 mins80%1 - 2 weeksNo Non-Verbal10-15 memories plus£140£280 - £360YesYes

Virtual EMDR

4 Simple Reasons why Virtual EMDR works

  • EMDR has always been carried out Face to Face, travelling to a clinic or just leaving your home can increase anxiety, so heal in the privacy of your home, where you feel safest from any where in the UK – accessing one of the worlds leading therapists.
  • As the first therapist globally to pioneer WEB based EMDR in 2019 even before the COVID pandemic I have been treating clients from as far as Europe, America, Canada and Australia – often EMDR in the UK costs far less than overseas – & there’s no need to travel.
  • Using the web to access Virtual EMDR anywhere in the world is really simple on phone, tablet or PC. Log into ZOOM & I’ll treat you from my professional therapy studio just the same as if I was treating you from one of my professional offices – with identical results.
  • There is no physical contact with EMDR, in a clinic setting you would sit 80 cm from me (before Covid and the 2m social distancing rule), so with Virtual EMDR you can just sit 80 cm away from me with no requirement for social distancing, we just have a ‘screen’ between us when we speak, – the same as speaking to someone in a through a screen in a bank, shop etc.

my work for charities

I also work extensively across the UK in support of National & Local Charities, providing EMDR to vulnerable adults and those still in addiction who require specialist support through bursaries working in close co-operation with existing care and case workers. I also work in support of Court Psychiatric Orders and have helped bring many people and families back together again safely. For charity enquiries please contact your case worker, I invite contact from all UK based organisations via our contact us page


Recommended Internationally by every Psychiatric association for the treatment of PTSD and Anxiety Related Disorders


Latest News

Specialist Hypnotherapy & EMDR Services

Anxiety & PTSD | Chronic Pain | Stop Smoking | Weight Management | Fibromyalgia

Chronic Fatigue | Armed Forces, Police & Fire PTSD | Adult Survivors of Child Abuse