Author name: 1mindOG

So what can parents do to help after traumatic events, violence, or disaster?

After traumatic events, violence or disaster, parents and family members should identify and address their own feelings — this will allow them to help others. Explain to children what happened and let them know: You love them The event was not their fault You will do your best to take care of them It’s okay […]

So what can parents do to help after traumatic events, violence, or disaster? Read More »

Why we DON’T have to live with trauma in our minds anymore?

It feels like every day on national and local news very sad stories are told by individuals, families and charities of the failings of mental health services, but there is never any mention of what can be done to help these people. EMDR therapists and doctors around the world share the frustration this highly effective

Why we DON’T have to live with trauma in our minds anymore? Read More »

Common disorders and the impact they can have on children, adolescents, and adults

So perhaps it’s important to first understand what are the most common disorders and the impact they can have on children, adolescents and adults. Simply put Anxiety Disorders cause anxiety. They can be related to social phobias, a fear of social situations and interacting with other people, which can be caused by a fear of

Common disorders and the impact they can have on children, adolescents, and adults Read More »

The international picture of the mental health of children or adolescents & how to treat it!

The comprehensive international picture of the mental health of children or adolescents aged 5 to 17 years shows a growing prevalence of mental health problems, with an ever-increasing impact of those problems on families, parents, carers and young people themselves and the role of health and education services in providing assistance. Here are some helpful

The international picture of the mental health of children or adolescents & how to treat it! Read More »